Evidence-Based Practice: Breast Binding

Swift, K., & Janke, J. (2003). Breast binding ... is it all that it’s wrapped up to be.
JOGNN, 32, 332–339.

The purpose of this study was to compare the difference in
breast symptoms in non-breastfeeding women who used continuous
breast binding and those who used continuous support
bra wearing during the first 10 days postpartum. The sample
included 60 women who were randomly assigned to either the
breast-binding group or the supportive bra-wearing group.
There was no significant difference related to symptoms of
breast engorgement.
The breast-binding group reported a greater degree of breast
tenderness, breast leakage, and use of pain relief measures.
The use of breast-binding should be discouraged.
Wearing a supportive bra should be encouraged.
Continued research to determine methods to reduce pain
related to breast engorgement.

So, sekarangn mah ibu2 yang tidak menyusui bayinya / tidak memberikan ASI (ex. karena bayinya meninggal atau kondisi khusus), ga perlu pake bebat lagi, karena kejadian rasa nyeri, dan merembesnya asi serta penggunaan obat2an anti nyeri lebih banyak. Jadi, cukup gunakan bra yang menyokong (lebih ketat).
Semoga bermanfaat... ^_^

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